SIE – Italian Society of Endodontics


III SIE International Congress

8th–10th November 2018, MILANO

San Raffaele Congress Center – Dibit 1
Via Olgettina, 58 20132 Milan MI

Congress Title
Endodontics: clinical solutions

Pre-Congress Course Title
Problem Solving within the Scope and Challenges of Endodontic Procedures

If you’re interested in attending the SIE  Congress or in any other info, please contact us using the form below.

Please, visit our Congress Website

The history of our Association began in October 1970 when, inspired by Dr. Joseph Cozzani, Dr. Gianfranco Borsotti, Dr. Richard Garberoglio, Prof. Franco Mantero, Prof. Augusto Pecchioni, Dr. Vincenzo Spina and Dr. Sergio Duillo decided to give life to the Study Group of Endodontics.

The By-laws drafted by them read: “The purpose of this group is to facilitate the individual components of the acquisition and enhancement of their knowledge through the exchange of views, experiences, information, and so on”. In 1974, at the desire of Prof. Pecchioni, the Study Group decided to organize and change its name: thus was born the Italian Society of Endodontics, the second largest in Europe after the British experience, but, today, the largest for number of subscribers. The Company has, in fact, currently more than eight hundred members, distributed throughout Italy.

Members of SIE are divided into Ordinary and Active.

To obtain the status of active member SIE is necessary to have at least three years’ seniority of registration and take a particular interest in Endodontics. 
 To this end it is necessary:

▪ present 10 clinical cases that meet the criteria of excellence and scientific validity

▪ cases will be examined and evaluated by the Commission Member Acceptance

The awarding of the title of Active Member of the SIE (Italian Society of Endodontics) represent the recognition of the professionalism of the member, as well as an important incentive for all to deepen and apply modern endodontic techniques.

SIE includes among its members the most famous people in Italian endodontics, both within the profession both within the university; the Italian Society of Endodontics is the place where University and Profession meet and interact, giving rise to a fruitful exchange of theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

The association also promotes the dissemination of endodontics along the entire Italian peninsula by taking courses and conferences. In fact, SIE is divided into regional sections which play an intense cultural activity locally and contribute to increase especially among young people the love and the interest in the specialty.

SIE is the official organ of the Italian Journal of Endodontics, which enjoys the reputation of being one of the most popular magazines in the international arena, both for the content of articles published, both for graphics. It is available for free donload on our website.

The most awaited moment by the associates is the “SIE National Congress”, which takes place annually as an opportunity for participants to meet with scholars at the forefront of the industry; in 1997, the Congress reunited more than 1,000 people, including dentists, University professors and students. In order to foster collaborative relationships with other foreign associations, The Congress welcomed foreign experts and speakers. During each Congress, SIE offers Refresher Courses both theoretical and practical, which always collect a huge success.

Therefore, it is with great anticipation that we await the next SIE Congress. A unique opportunity to meet and listen to national and international experts and speakers in Odontoiatrics!